
PLEASE NOTE: You have 24 hours to download the guide from this link before it expires.

We stare into the abyss with wondering eyes, asking what the darkness has to share with us. The void stares back but doesn’t answer. Scorpions emerge from the blackness instead; languishing the mystery and the unknown they are birthed from. With the New Moon in Scorpio on the night of October 27th we are led into the transformational depths and mystery of the energetic womb of the universe. While Scorpio rules over death, transformation and rebirth, the New Moon is a cosmic doorway to the new, and to the manifestations that come from the stillness of the waning year. This New Moon is calling us release our shame and fear. To intentionally communicate with our shadow. To explore our inner underworld; and that’s what we’ll do in this guide.  

This ritual guide is inspired by the depths of Scorpio, by exploring personal taboos and embracing the shadow. This 8-page PDF includes: background on what the moon and sun in Scorpio mean for us, what to expect with Mercury Retrograde from astrologer and tarot reader Theresa Reed, mantras, journal questions, crystals to work with, the major arcana tarot card for Scorpio, a tarot spread for indulging in your darkness AND a self-dedication ritual to embracing your darkness this Scorpio season.

 This New Moon is a chance for us to embrace the intense seduction, darkness, and magick that Scorpio is calling us into. May we do so with pride and commitment to uncovering our truth. And so it is!  


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